I recently had a late night chat with Holly Smith - a 25-year old UK born gal, who moved to New Zealand when she was just 10-years old. In truth I have known her for five-years, meeting during my teen years of drinking and partying. We were never close or had much to do with each other outside the social scene of things - fast forward to 2018, Holly goes by the name of @hollyventures_ on Instagram, sharing photos of her Travel Adventures. I've been following her for a short while now and have felt inspired by her passion for Adventure and Photography. I felt it was perfect to include her on my own blogging journey, seeing her aspiring to achieve similar goals as myself. I found it interesting, all the years we hadn't been in contact had led us to a late night conversation talking about her goals for Traveling and her Blogging website through Instagram chat. If you get the chance, I'd highly recommend you following her and giving her website a read about the places she has traveled too and places she has explored. Holly recently moved back to her birth country and took some time to have a chat.
Q: Hey Holly, first how about we start with you introducing yourself and telling us a little about where you're from and what you're doing at the moment?
Okay, well my name's Holly haha I was born in the U.K but then moved to New Zealand when I was 10, I was living in New Zealand up until last year and have now moved back to the U.K with my boyfriend. I decided to move here because I wanted to do more traveling around my home country and Europe and really wanted to start travel writing and establish myself as an adventure photographer. At the moment I'm just trying to travel and explore as much as possible!
Q: Wow that's amazing! I've been following your IG for a while now, I can definitely see your passion for traveling and photography. What is your favourite thing about traveling?
Aww thanks! That's a hard question haha I love discovering new things and places and capturing that on my camera! I also really like how it makes me feel, I feel more confident and at ease when traveling. Not all the time of course, but eventually I just feel like I'm doing something really worth doing!
Q: I understand that, being introverted and quite shy. I find it hard at times to break out of my shell. Exploring and being able to capture beautiful things on a camera can be a confident booster for sure! What are your goals for this year that you hope to have accomplished before 2019?
Yea it is hard for us introverts sometimes! Photos can say more than we can say ourselves if that makes sense haha. I want to travel as much as possible, go somewhere every month and write blog posts and articles for travel magazines. I just want to get as much experience and knowledge as possible.
Q: That's very inspiring. Did you always know this was the pathway you wanted to be on, growing up - in terms of traveling, writing and photography?
No, for a long time I didn't know what I wanted to do, because I am shy and timid I always doubted I'd be able to do well in photography, travel and writing. But I suppose it has always been a passion of mine.
Q: Wow, I feel like you're mirroring me right now or I'm mirroring you? Haha. I've always had this deep seeded doubt I would be bad at those things, more specifically photography and writing but here we are today. I've interviewed a few other women recently about the things that inspire them and what being a woman means to them - what inspires you and what does being a woman mean to you?
Hmm things that inspire me...I get inspired by strong women fighting for what they believe in and doing what they want even when everyone doubts them or is against them. And being a woman means to me, being strong and independent but also being kind to people. It means fighting through all those emotions and hormones and understanding we are equal and can do anything a man can do.
Q: I love that! Lets talk about your blog, what kinds of things can we expect to see or read on your website and why is this blog so important to you?
I'm hoping to do more hiking and travel blogs but also some more personal blogs about being an introvert and how that affects life/adventuring. It's important to me because I want other introverts to get out there and do it! Not to be held back by our fears and doubts. I'd like to inspire people who are like me and share my insights and what I've learned from my travels.
(IG: @hollyventures_)
Q: That's so inspiring and beautiful, I love hearing and seeing so many women doing things they're passionate about. I have to congratulate you on your blogging ventures. It's exciting! Do you have anyone in particular you look up too in terms of other Social Media Bloggers/Vloggers? Or people that have influenced what you post in some way?
I can't really pinpoint a person in particular, I just look for other photographers (Especially women) who are doing great things and exploring the world.
Q: What piece of advice would you give to other women out there who are doubting themselves in pursuing something that they love but don't have the courage to move forward?
To stop thinking so much! Block out those negative thoughts and stop thinking about what could go wrong and focus on giving it a go!
Q: Before we wrap up our chat - what is your current favourite photo you've snapped in your camera roll that you can share and what can you tell us about this photo in particular?
So hard to pick! Haha umm probably this photo:
I just love that tree! And how cool it looks and how the birds are in the branches etc it just looks so majestic and mysterious.
Q: Its a beautiful photograph! Thank you for taking the time to chat Holly. I look forward to seeing more of your blog posts and photographs of your Travel Adventures and wish you all the best on your ventures.
Thanks Kohi!