Sunday, 18 March 2018

Women with a voice: Holly Smith

I recently had a late night chat with Holly Smith - a 25-year old UK born gal, who moved to New Zealand when she was just 10-years old. In truth I have known her for five-years, meeting during my teen years of drinking and partying. We were never close or had much to do with each other outside the social scene of things - fast forward to 2018, Holly goes by the name of @hollyventures_ on Instagram, sharing photos of her Travel Adventures. I've been following her for a short while now and have felt inspired by her passion for Adventure and Photography. I felt it was perfect to include her on my own blogging journey, seeing her aspiring to achieve similar goals as myself. I found it interesting, all the years we hadn't been in contact had led us to a late night conversation talking about her goals for Traveling and her Blogging website through Instagram chat. If you get the chance, I'd highly recommend you following her and giving her website a read about the places she has traveled too and places she has explored. Holly recently moved back to her birth country and took some time to have a chat.

 Q: Hey Holly, first how about we start with you introducing yourself and telling us a little about where you're from and what you're doing at the moment?

Okay, well my name's Holly haha I was born in the U.K but then moved to New Zealand when I was 10, I was living in New Zealand up until last year and have now moved back to the U.K with my boyfriend. I decided to move here because I wanted to do more traveling around my home country and Europe and really wanted to start travel writing and establish myself as an adventure photographer. At the moment I'm just trying to travel and explore as much as possible!

Q: Wow that's amazing! I've been following your IG for a while now, I can definitely see your passion for traveling and photography. What is your favourite thing about traveling?

Aww thanks! That's a hard question haha I love discovering new things and places and capturing that on my camera! I also really like how it makes me feel, I feel more confident and at ease when traveling. Not all the time of course, but eventually I just feel like I'm doing something really worth doing!

Q: I understand that, being introverted and quite shy. I find it hard at times to break out of my shell. Exploring and being able to capture beautiful things on a camera can be a confident booster for sure! What are your goals for this year that you hope to have accomplished before 2019?

Yea it is hard for us introverts sometimes! Photos can say more than we can say ourselves if that makes sense haha. I want to travel as much as possible, go somewhere every month and write blog posts and articles for travel magazines. I just want to get as much experience and knowledge as possible.

Q: That's very inspiring. Did you always know this was the pathway you wanted to be on, growing up - in terms of traveling, writing and photography?

No, for a long time I didn't know what I wanted to do, because I am shy and timid I always doubted I'd be able to do well in photography, travel and writing. But I suppose it has always been a passion of mine.

Q: Wow, I feel like you're mirroring me right now or I'm mirroring you? Haha. I've always had this deep seeded doubt I would be bad at those things, more specifically photography and writing but here we are today. I've interviewed a few other women recently about the things that inspire them and what being a woman means to them - what inspires you and what does being a woman mean to you?

Hmm things that inspire me...I get inspired by strong women fighting for what they believe in and doing what they want even when everyone doubts them or is against them. And being a woman means to me, being strong and independent but also being kind to people. It means fighting through all those emotions and hormones and understanding we are equal and can do anything a man can do.

Q: I love that! Lets talk about your blog, what kinds of things can we expect to see or read on your website and why is this blog so important to you?

I'm hoping to do more hiking and travel blogs but also some more personal blogs about being an introvert and how that affects life/adventuring. It's important to me because I want other introverts to get out there and do it! Not to be held back by our fears and doubts. I'd like to inspire people who are like me and share my insights and what I've learned from my travels.

(IG: @hollyventures_)

Q: That's so inspiring and beautiful, I love hearing and seeing so many women doing things they're passionate about. I have to congratulate you on your blogging ventures. It's exciting! Do you have anyone in particular you look up too in terms of other Social Media Bloggers/Vloggers? Or people that have influenced what you post in some way?

I can't really pinpoint a person in particular, I just look for other photographers (Especially women) who are doing great things and exploring the world.

Q: What piece of advice would you give to other women out there who are doubting themselves in pursuing something that they love but don't have the courage to move forward?

To stop thinking so much! Block out those negative thoughts and stop thinking about what could go wrong and focus on giving it a go!

Q: Before we wrap up our chat - what is your current favourite photo you've snapped in your camera roll that you can share and what can you tell us about this photo in particular?

So hard to pick! Haha umm probably this photo:

 I just love that tree! And how cool it looks and how the birds are in the branches etc it just looks so majestic and mysterious.

Q: Its a beautiful photograph! Thank you for taking the time to chat Holly. I look forward to seeing more of your blog posts and photographs of your Travel Adventures and wish you all the best on your ventures.

Thanks Kohi! 

Friday, 16 March 2018

Women with a voice: Half Queen

Q: First of all thank you for having a chat with me. To those who don't know you could you introduce yourself?

My name is Shaquille or Shaki or Half Queen! And I'm a 23-year old Pakeha, Fijian, Akafasi woman who currently has her period.

I would say I'm a multi faceted creatrix with my fingers in many cauldrons.

Q: I love that! I've followed you on IG for a few years now. I get the vibe you are very authentic to yourself and what you post. You're very relatable and interesting. How would you describe your IG account and the photographs you post of yourself?

Thanks for following and growing with me! You can really only take anybody's social media with a grain of salt. What I post are elements of me, a curated version of a projection of how I want to present this entity that is Half Queen. I would describe it as unapologetic transparency of my experience as an Afakasi girl growing up in Aotearoa with popping imagery that represents that!

Q: Being women and having access to Social Media, we have a platform to voice our opinions, thoughts etc and show elements of who we are or what we want the world to see, just like you've mentioned - How much of "Half Queen" would we see of you outside of Social media?

I'd say I'm Half Queen 100% of the time because it's a concentrated version of parts of myself and then there are different versions of that also. That's the thing about humans, about myself. I'm constantly evolving and changing, and that's reflected in my social media.

Q: I feel you on that. I feel like I'm changing, evolving constantly. Humans are so complex, fascinating creatures!

Yeah that's the best thing about it. You don't have to be the same forever. We change every day, our bodies change, our emotions change like the seasons. It's a gift.

Q: I've always felt up until recently the need to be a certain way and stick to one image. It felt fake to be anything other in front of people and worried people wouldn't like me. But actually, looking back now, people have gravitated towards me more than ever to my present self and I'm so proud to be a fucking woman.

Fuck yeah! That's dope. We're all humans at the end of the day, everyone has a story.

Q: It's beautiful how lucky we were to be born as women.

And incredibly lucky to be born into a country that doesn't penalize those born with vaginas right!


Thursday, 15 March 2018

Women With A Voice: Isabelle Farro

Q: For those who don't know you, could you introduce yourself?

Haha this is funny. Um, I'm Isabelle Farro. A regular human being from Nashville, Tennessee.

Q: It is isn't it? Just a little. I'm interviewing different women from different parts of the world - what does being a Woman mean to you?

Being a woman is truly about being yourself! Not letting anyone try to change you into being someone you're not. A lot of girls struggle to be their own person but I believe to be a real woman, you accept yourself.

Q: I can definitely agree with you on that one - growing up as a woman, did you ever feel peer pressure to look or be a certain way?

Oh man, did I feel pressured to look a certain way. I grew up in the south in which the ideal look for a girl is blonde, big boobs, small waist etc. I have dark, almost black hair and brown eyes. I'm curvy and short. It doesn't mean I'm not beautiful but for a long time in my life it took me a while to accept myself. I was always trying to be tan or flaunt my cleavage (That I didn't even have at the time) just to fit in.

(IG: @isabelle_farro)

Q: Present day - What are the things you like to do for yourself or for others that make you feel "Beautiful"?

I like to take long showers and literally dump essential oils in the steam of the shower so I can feel refreshed. I do this often because every time I'm super clean and smell really good I feel beautiful. Weird, I know. I have this weird thing about smelling good.

As far as making others feel good, I really enjoy complimenting them on things that they normally wouldn't get complimented on. Like the way their hair falls when its up in a bun, or the way their shirt compliments their skin tone. It literally makes such a difference and people feel so loved and that makes me happy.

Q: I really like that! It makes a big difference complimenting people on things I suppose some people wouldn't expect to be complimented on. Getting a little more personal, you're moving to New Zealand soon, that's a huge step and far away from what you've always known as home isn't it? What are you most looking forward too?

Yes it's a huge step. Actually its almost exactly on the opposite side of the globe. Its going to be so surreal. I've been wanting to move there for so long, and when I went in June of 2017, it was almost like a confirmation that New Zealand was where I was supposed to be. I'm most looking forward to starting over essentially. I've got so many friends there already but no one truly knows me except a few people.

I'm stoked to be immersed into a different culture/way of life. New Zealand is awfully similar to America but also way different. I'm ready for my huge culture shock to set in haha.

Q: I've heard America is a lot like NZ in so many ways but then so totally different of course. I'm sure there will be a few things having to adjust to while you're here but I feel us Kiwi's are so chilled back you'll fit right in - before we end this little chat, thank you for taking the time to have a talk. What is one piece of advice you would/could give to women out there who are struggling to find their foothold in this world?

My one piece of advice would be that the struggle that you find yourself in, isn't going to last forever. The struggle we go through is to teach us who we are really meant to be.

Review: Meeting Freddie Highmore

Monday night, Lightbox hosted a Fan Exclusive: Meet and Greet Event for Freddie Highmore in Auckland City, which I was very fortunate enough to attend. After finding out Troy and I would be attending this Event last minute, I went into Full Fan-girling mode. I have been a big fan and follower of Freddie's work in his earlier years: Charlie and The Chocolate Factory, The Spiderwick Chronicles and of course his more recent work in Bates Motel and The Good Doctor. Just knowing I was going to be able to meet someone I had watched on TV and Cinemas screens growing up and someone who had played notable characters who I had come to build an attachment too, was boggling my mind!

We ubered into the City to the Seafarers Building where the event was being held at around 3pm and arrived a little past 3:30 - when we arrived we were greeted by two friendly Lightbox Staff members and Security at the door who gave us directions where to go up. At the door, we were given a VIP lanyard to put on before entering and had our names crossed off the list. Inside there was a little bar set-up where guests could help themselves to complimentary drinks while enjoying overlooking the wharf. Photos were being taken professionally of all the people who had gathered to the event, I got in a few photos of myself and Troy. There was a little table set-up with - and can I just say - some of the most delicious food my mouth has ever devoured. Mini Burgers, Chicken pieces and dip, some odd looking but delectable food on mini spoons. The entire venue setting was very laid back, semi-boujie but in the best possible way without trying too hard to impress.

Clint from The Edge Morning Breakfast was MC for the afternoon - he introduced himself, said a few words about everyone being able to see Freddie soon and to enjoy the food and drinks provided. We made the most of the food and drink while we could, as one does at an event (internal laughing)
 Finally a little after 4:00pm Clint introduced Freddie Highmore! He came walking into the room, waved to everyone before sitting on one of the chairs in front of the "Lightbox" backdrop next to Clint. For 20-minutes Clint asked him a variation of questions from what it feels like to be Nominated for a Golden Globe award, what its like to work with some big stars in Hollywood etc Freddie answered all his questions with such grace and ease - there were a few moments where he didn't quite understand what questions were being asked, due to Clint's Kiwi accent, that had everyone in the room laughing. When asked if he gets a lot of attention on the streets or having people come up and ask for selfies, he surprisingly said he doesn't get that much attention. Especially being situated in Canada where "The Good Doctor" is filmed, which is quite private and secluded.

Once the interview ended, Clint read names off the guest list where you were able to come up and take a photo with Freddie before leaving. I was a little bit nervous, everything seemed surreal and I couldn't actually believe I was actually about to come face-to-face with "Norman Bates", "Shaun Murphy", Freddie Highmore! When our names were called out, we made our way over - I was a bit shy, but I wasn't as nervous as I thought I would have been. We shook hands and he asked if I was from Auckland, we chatted a little about how he's enjoying the city so far and when he flew in. It took two takes to take our photograph, we said our goodbyes and I knew I wasn't going to waste my opportunity and I asked if it was okay if I could have a hug - which he said yes too.

The rest of the afternoon was spent with the guests going up to talk to Freddie and have their photos taken and enjoying what was left of the food. Before we headed back home, we were given a goodie bag courtesy of Lightbox which I thought was really generous considering already been invited to a nice event! I had a great time, so did Troy and I just have to say thank you to everyone who put this special event on and inviting us along. Have a look below at the goodies we received in our bag!

(Lightbox Tote Bag)

 (Lightbox Water Container, VIP Lanyard, Bluetooth/AUX Portable Speaker)

 (Signed Personalized Poster)

(Closer look at the Bluetooth/AUX Portable Speaker)

Friday, 9 March 2018

Review: For The Love Of Mrs. Browns Boys

Brendan O'Carroll brought his drag persona to the stage as  Agnes Brown in "For the Love of Mrs. Browns Boys" at Spark Arena on Friday night (March, 9th 2018) The arena was packed to the brim with all walks of life - grandparents, parents, children and teenagers a like. Even babies! I was fortunate enough to attend the first show in Auckland City, thanks to one of my best friends for inviting me along and giving me a ticket. We were lucky we had a hot view of the show, seated in the middle directly opposite the stage!

All the familiar cast faces, fans of the hit Irish-Comedy Show have all come to know and love hit the stage and had the arena in hysterics during their 2-hour set with witty-comebacks and impromptu lines that had the crowd roaring and wiping tears from their eyes on the edge of their seats - the stage set-up was the inside of the Browns Family home. Part of it anyway - the lounge and kitchen.

 (Spark Arena, March 9th - No photography or Filming was permitted during the performance)

The storyline for the show follows Mrs.Brown in search for a Valentine date, after her persistent children encourage her to get back into the dating game - much to her dismay. She turns to the internet for help which turns into a hilarious adventure of " Dial-a-dick", following her families misadventures with "Breast implants", classic family arguments, Winnie's tales of "The Big 'O'", plenty of raunchy innuendos and Mrs. Brown tripping on LSD. In the short few hours of entertainment we received they managed to get the audience laughing right up until the very end, the show was packed with everything I could have wanted and more - so much more!

Mrs. Browns Boys humour is not for everyone, this show isn't for everyone. If you are as much of a fan as the next person - like myself. This was definitely a show worth attending and the $60.00 it cost to go (Which of course I didn't have to pay for this time around again). From production, lighting, script and the acting - everything was so on point, and hit all the right spots. The impromptu-lines made the show even more hilarious and magical, even getting to see the cast members in a fit of hysterics, not being able to hold their composure completely.

Overall, I was excited being able to attend this event, to be able to see some of my much beloved characters in the same arena as I was and in person (Almost). As opposed to watching them on my TV screen. I would recommend anyone, if given the chance to attend a Mrs. Browns Boys show - take your parents, your partner or best friend! Make a night of it.

This show was amazing, brilliant, classic comedy and has become part of my cherished memories.

Monday, 5 March 2018

Review: Auckland City Limits 2018

After much anticipation for the very long awaited festival of the year, Auckland City Limits was definitely worth the wait and didn't disappoint. I was fortunate enough to have snagged a ticket through Auckland-based and NZ self-managed Online Magazine: Coupdemain last year. I had high hopes and it was everything I could have wanted and so much more! I arrived a little after 9am to beat the crowds as the day slowly began to heat up, it took a little while for people to go through  after 11am but it wasn't as busy as I had assumed it would have been and I found topping up my cashless wristband was fast and easy once I was in. I had heard Bay Dreams had been crazy for queues and after my experience and seeing how long lines were at Our House: Summerfest I expected my experience to be somewhat the same - I was wrong.

The first act I saw perform was Jess B and boy was she amazing! Evident in her on-stage presence, this young woman was born to perform on stages. To be quite honest I wasn't very familiar with her work, and wasn't sure what to expect. I walked over to her stage, front barrier and was instantly stunned at how talented she was - joined on-stage with her was P-Money, Ruby and her hype girl Shaq, who goes by the name @half.queen on instagram. The crowds were slowly turning up to see her perform and everyone was getting down, dancing and hyping up for the day ahead with the many acts to follow - a guy even did the "Death drop"! It was nice seeing young, vibrant and talented women on-stage representing many female rappers/artists and women in general trying to find a place in this world and staying authentic and true to themselves. Jess B is no doubt going to make even bigger waves in New Zealand and overseas - her flow, sense of fashion easily impresses.  I fell in love and I felt 'giddy' inside is the best way I can describe it. 

Attending events of this magnitude have you on your feet for over 12-hours, now depending on if you stay the entire event from beginning to end you may wonder - "How am I going to survive?" This is what I was asking myself over and over again leading up to the event.  And I am surprised in myself I lasted for 14-hours,  arriving 2-hours before gates opened. It was difficult at times being in direct sunlight for a long period of time but it was so well-worth it. Staying hydrated is definitely key to any major event especially if it is spent outside - and staying on top of eating throughout the day helps too. I didn't want to spend too much at ACL and managed to keep everything I purchased under $50.00. A feat in itself considering how expensive things pile up throughout the day.

Major highlights for me and favourite artists I saw perform were: SWIDT, Katchafire, Grace Jones, Peking Duk, Future and Tash Sultana! 

Onehunga Hip-hop group SWIDT brought the party and energy to the Spark Stage's - Performing a few of their tracks from their Stoneyhunga album, my favourite tracks being: 312, Ric Flair, Little did she know and ending their set with "Player of the Day". I would describe SWIDT as a "Breath of fresh air" to the New Zealand Hip-hop scene and a group act on the rise. In the short time they have been on the music scene, already they have accumulated a large following of loyal fans. Many of the people who turned out to see their act sported Hawaiian T-shirts in support. I managed to get front barrier to the left of the stage - if you haven't seen them perform, definitely add them to your list of people to see in the future.

Tash Sultana was incredibly moving, a one-woman-band at only 22-years old. When I first saw the line-up for this event, I knew I had to see her. Already with a world tour and selling out venues, I can see just why she has become so recognized and praised for her talent. Her voice is magical, mesmerizing and enchanting - you can see how passionate she is about music watching her playing her instruments getting lost within herself. I've never quite seen someone like her live before. Her music can be described as : Psychedelic, Alternative, Reggae Rock. A star on the raise with a bright, successful future. She is just as good live as you see in her videos on YouTube if not even better! She has a voice once you hear it, it never quite leaves your mind and sticks with you - I cannot rave about this woman enough. "Notion" and "Jungle" of course were my favourite tracks of her she performed, being the ones you can find me playing on Spotify on repeat. Hearing these songs live pulled at my heart strings I tell you, I was deeply blown away.

Future and Peking Duk's sets were what I can describe as a massive dance party - a mass rave. Young Thug was meant to be performing alongside Future but dropped out at last minute, even so Future and his crew put on an amazing set - my favourite tracks he performed were: “Relationship” and “Mask Off”. Peking Duk’s set was what I would describe as - drinking a glass of cold, filtered water on a blistering hot day. Refreshing and what we all needed. It was the perfect way to end the night after 14-hours on my feet. They performed a lot of familiar tracks they’re well known for an remixes to Lorde’s “Perfect Places” and The Killers “Mr Brightside” to name a few. To wrap up their set they performed “High” my absolute favourite song  of theirs. Everyone was getting among it, letting their hair down and having a good time. The best part of the festival was being right in the crowd - no one gives a fuck how you look, how you dance and its one of the most euphoric experiences a person can have and I would hope everyone is able to experience it many times in their lifetime. I had so much fun letting myself break out of my shell a little, as I am quite shy and an anxious person. Music for me is a safe and comfortable place to be, to really be who I am and fully embody everything happening around me and vibing with people who enjoy the same energy that festivals and concerts bring. It is quite therapeutic giving yourself over to the music and letting go of any public insecurities you may have. I’m a little disappointed my Asthma started playing up a lot in between sets but apart from that I had the time of my life.

The rest of the day was spent eating delicious food, sipping water from a funky Alien Water Container I purchased. Exploring the grounds, taking in the pretty sights and people watching. Browsed through a few stalls that were selling quirky, interesting pieces of jewellery, clothing, tie-dye throws, flax hats etc and was greeted with plenty of friendly smiles from strangers throughout the day. They also had the Hot Rods out for people to admire and look at for the avid car lovers which I enjoyed having a good glimpse at. I ended up winning a $10 Top-up credit for my Cashless Wristband for food and I was pretty stoked with that seeing as I was on a limit on what I could buy and put that towards my last meal for the night - I'm so gutted I didn't get the name of the dessert in the combo I bought. It was so good!

Overall, my Auckland City Limits experience was crammed to the brim with memories I will keep forever and positive thoughts when I think back on that day. I would 10/10 recommend any music or festival goer to attend in the future. There is a little something for everyone and even had a Kiddies Limit for the little ones who came along, 10-under were able to get in free of charge compared to the $180.00 entry for everyone else or $300 for VIP. Despite me not having to fork out the cash, I think for that price it is definitely worth what you get out of the day if you are big on music and a fan of the line-up. Realistically, not everyone has the luxury of spending that kind of money on a ticket (Me included!) or can afford making purchases throughout the day. I would suggest saving up a few months beforehand to cover your ticket and extra expenses. I have to applaud everyone who helped make everything happen. I'll definitely be back next time ACL rolls around the corner again. As tiring and exhausting as it was, it definitely paid off and was worth attending.

Thank you again to Coupdemain for sending me along and helping tick off more goals on my bucketlist. And giving me the opportunity to be part of something so exciting and memorable.And thank you to all the artists I saw perform who put on one hell of a show!