Q: First of all thank you for having a chat with me. To those who don't know you could you introduce yourself?
My name is Shaquille or Shaki or Half Queen! And I'm a 23-year old Pakeha, Fijian, Akafasi woman who currently has her period.
I would say I'm a multi faceted creatrix with my fingers in many cauldrons.
Q: I love that! I've followed you on IG for a few years now. I get the vibe you are very authentic to yourself and what you post. You're very relatable and interesting. How would you describe your IG account and the photographs you post of yourself?
Thanks for following and growing with me! You can really only take anybody's social media with a grain of salt. What I post are elements of me, a curated version of a projection of how I want to present this entity that is Half Queen. I would describe it as unapologetic transparency of my experience as an Afakasi girl growing up in Aotearoa with popping imagery that represents that!
Q: Being women and having access to Social Media, we have a platform to voice our opinions, thoughts etc and show elements of who we are or what we want the world to see, just like you've mentioned - How much of "Half Queen" would we see of you outside of Social media?
I'd say I'm Half Queen 100% of the time because it's a concentrated version of parts of myself and then there are different versions of that also. That's the thing about humans, about myself. I'm constantly evolving and changing, and that's reflected in my social media.
Q: I feel you on that. I feel like I'm changing, evolving constantly. Humans are so complex, fascinating creatures!
Yeah that's the best thing about it. You don't have to be the same forever. We change every day, our bodies change, our emotions change like the seasons. It's a gift.
Q: I've always felt up until recently the need to be a certain way and stick to one image. It felt fake to be anything other in front of people and worried people wouldn't like me. But actually, looking back now, people have gravitated towards me more than ever to my present self and I'm so proud to be a fucking woman.
Fuck yeah! That's dope. We're all humans at the end of the day, everyone has a story.
Q: It's beautiful how lucky we were to be born as women.
And incredibly lucky to be born into a country that doesn't penalize those born with vaginas right!
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